TechnoPolitics Podcast: Consensual Impersonation – Frisky Or Risky?
Shame on you if you share your password. The consequences can ruin your sterling reputation, violate legal terms of service, promote fraud and identity theft, and give ex-lovers weapons of mass digital destruction. We all do it, despite the risks. Share your Netflix password with your BFF so she can watch House Of Cards and season 4 of Arrested Development. Reveal your Amazon password to your teenage son so he can rent college textbooks using your account. The list of examples goes on.
Forrester Principal Analyst Eve Maler returns to TechnoPolitics to enlighten us about what she calls "consensual impersonation". It sounds frisky rather than risky, but it is about the common practice of sharing passwords to get stuff done. Eve's advice to firms is not to clamp down on this practice by forcing customers to change their passwords frequently. Instead, she offers practical advice to firms that give customers the power of consensual impersonation safely. Listen to learn.
Click here to listen on iTunes.
About Forrester TechnoPolitics
Make the tough calls. That’s what independent insight and analysis is all about. Hosted by Mike Gualtieri, Forrester TechnoPolitics features independent analysis and commentary from Forrester analysts about hot technology and what it means to you and the world. Scripted? Absolutely not. Passionate? We live it every day. Courage to make the tough calls? You be the judge.
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Producers: Rowan Curran, Nick Welles, Rachel Brown, Sarah Bookstein