
Carlos Palacios

Sr. Manager, Data Operations and , DHL

As an experienced Logistic professional, I demonstrated success and expertise in data and pricing transformation. Exercising decisive business leadership skill, I have been able to create and lead the data operational awareness strategy for the team. I provided subject matter expertise in the Life Science community that support successfully global bids valued over 250M USD +

Continue to grow in the logistics world, my emphasis on data and strategic pricing will continue to revolutionize. The complex and dynamic nature of logistics, along with the reliance on many moving parts that can create bottlenecks at any point in the supply chain, make logistics a perfect use case for big data at the right cost. Big data in logistics can be used to optimize routing, reduce risk, streamline factory functions, and to give transparency to the entire supply chain, for the benefit of both logistics and shipping companies alike. Able to provide short and long term solutions to our customers if we apply the benefits of big data.

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