
Mike Talvensaari

VP, User Experience, [24]7.ai

An expert in product and user-experience design, Mike Talvensaari has more than 20 years of experience in developing engaging, intuitive interfaces for some of the leading media products in the industry. As Vice President, Product & User Experience, Wowza Media Experiences, he was responsible leading the product management and user experience team. As director of product management and user experience at Zazzle.com, Mike oversaw the web-based retail experience, seller community, and online product-design tools for Zazzle’s unique print-on-demand consumer-goods customization platform. Prior to his work at Zazzle, Mike led Creative Suite user experience and managed e-commerce and web application development during a 10-year tenure at Adobe. He earned a BS in cognitive science from University of California, San Diego, and an MS in human factors and ergonomics from San Jose State University.

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