Technology & Innovation Summit

Technology, Data, & Security Leaders

October 29, 2024  |  Sydney & Digital

Analyst & Coverage

Daryl Wright, Principal Analyst
Demand & Account Based Marketing

Jinan Budge, VP, Principal Analyst
Security Awareness & Training, Security Behavior And Culture, Human Risk Management,  Communicating Security to boards / Executives / business / technology, CISO Leadership, Breaking Security and Technology silos, Selling Zero Trust internally, Security Champions, DEI in Security, Burnout in Cybersecurity, Security Strategy and Program Development, Cybersecurity Consulting in Asia Pacific

John Brand, VP, CIO Executive Partner
Business Intelligence, Collaboration Platforms, Commerce Solutions, IT Value Management, M&A, Scorecards, Security, Sourcing, Technology Strategy.

Leslie Joseph, Principal Analyst
Digital Operations Platforms, Process Automation, Robotic Process Automation, Emerging Technology, Insights-Driven Business, Machine Learning.

Sam Higgins, Principal Analyst
Cloud Computing, Digital Transformation, Enterprise Architecture, IT Strategy, Regulations & Legislation, Employee Experience, IT Management, Business Application Ecosystem, Emerging Technology, Public Sector, Government.

Zhi-Ying Barry, Principal Analyst
Digital measurement (ROI of digital), digital experiences, mobile banking, emerging technologies.

Analyst-Led Roundtables

These dynamic, interactive sessions provide attendees the opportunity to engage with Forrester experts, as well as with peers, to gain deep insights, ask questions, share their own experiences, and collaborate in a focused, small-group setting. The session is designed to foster meaningful dialogue, offer actionable takeaways, and help attendees stay ahead in their strategic planning and decision-making.

2:40 pm – 3:20 pm AEDT

The Role Of Enterprise Architecture In High-Performance IT

Enterprise Architecture has been undergoing a theological and religious reformation. Today’s EA Reformers seek to focus on linking EA outputs to business performance while also moving from design-driven to data-drive EA. Join a peer discussion led by Principal Analyst, Sam Higgins, to hear how your industry colleagues are approaching EA and its role in achieving high-performance IT outcomes.

Sam Higgins, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Embracing AI And Automation For High Performance IT

AI and automation opportunities are seemingly endless, but in tight economic times careful consideration is needed to ensure high-performance IT outcomes. Join a peer discussion led by Principal Analyst, Leslie Joseph, to hear how your industry colleagues are approaching this new frontier of technology investment.

Leslie Joseph, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Technology & Innovation Summit APAC · October 29, 2024 · Sydney & Digital

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