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Predictions 2025: Hard-Won Insights Drive Growth

Sharyn Leaver 2 days ago
Business focus is shifting from experimentation to bottom-line gains. Our Predictions 2025 resources reveal what’s next for your industry and role — and the moves that will set you up for competitive advantage.

Are We Nearing The End Of The Google Era?

What It Means 34 mins ago
Two major antitrust lawsuits could loosen Google’s grip on online search and advertising. What are the potential implications, and how should brands and advertisers prepare? Senior Analysts Nikhil Lai and Mo Allibhai discuss the cases and the broader shifts ahead for search marketing and advertising on this week’s What It Means episode.

Predictions 2025: GenAI As A Growth Driver Will Put B2B Executives To The Test

Seth Marrs 2 days ago
In 2025, the true potential of generative AI as a growth driver will be tested. B2B marketing, sales, and product teams should prepare for the good, bad, and even ugly outcomes of trying to generate value from this hot technology.

Navigate 2025 With Our Predictions Insights

Our predictions may not be a crystal ball, but they offer a clear view of what’s ahead. Visit our 2025 Predictions hub featuring guides, blogs, and webinars to give B2B, B2C, and technology leaders a competitive edge in 2025.


Predictions 2025: Tech Leaders Chase High Performance

Frederic Giron 2 days ago
After a period of strong technology investment, the emphasis in 2025 will shift to making existing technologies work harder through improved adoption, integration, and optimization. Learn more in our 2025 predictions for technology leaders.

Predictions 2025: An AI Reality Check Paves The Path For Long-Term Success

Jayesh Chaurasia 2 days ago
There is no easy path to AI success, and tech and business leaders need to prepare for the grind. This year’s AI predictions highlight the importance of marrying data and AI strategies, bringing business and technical expertise together, and leveraging partners for excellence.

Predictions 2025: CX Fortune Will Favor The Bold

Christina McAllister 2 days ago
2025 will be another year of CX mediocrity — unless you’re ready to kick things into high gear. Learn about the challenges (and opportunities) awaiting CX leaders in the coming year.

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The New Creative Stack: What Adobe MAX Reveals About Our Future

Lisa Gately 6 hours ago
Adobe MAX 2024 announced several key developments that offer a window into creative work's future. Read the Forrester blog to learn about the opportunities creative teams have to step into a more satisfying, collaborative future.

Lead A High-Performing Digital Team

Dan Bieler 11 hours ago
Digital teams are primarily tasked with designing, delivering, and managing digital products or services, launching digital innovations, and developing the digital roadmap.

Ready For These 2025 Tech And Security Shifts?

Step into 2025 with confidence! Explore our predictions for tech and security leaders, featuring key trends in AI, cloud, SDLC, and AIOps you need to know.


Technical Debt By A Thousand Cuts

Charles Betz 12 hours ago
Every week, I get inquiries about technical debt, whether from enterprise architects, CIOs, CTOs, offices of the CIO, or strategic portfolio managers. It’s a broad concern in IT and digital management, as well as in the minds and operating models of Forrester clients.

ZERO-IN 2024 Aims To Elevate Customer Success

Shari Srebnick 15 hours ago
Last week, I attended the fourth annual ChurnZero conference, ZERO-IN (formerly Big RYG), in Washington, DC, and the energy and inspiration are still resonating.

Predictions 2025: Tech Spending Will Surge, But Can AI Deliver On Its Promises For Insurance In 2025?

Indranil Bandyopadhyay 17 hours ago
AI’s promise of transforming underwriting, claims, and customer experience remains untapped, and only a tiny fraction of insurers will harness its full potential by 2025. Tech-driven product innovation such as embedded insurance and usage-based insurance may yield faster results, but long-term AI gains remain on the horizon.

Predictions 2025: A Changing Of The Generational Guard, Adoption Of AI, And An Embrace Of Tokenized Assets

Vijay Raghavan 17 hours ago
The upcoming year will see investment firms wrestle with restless offspring and technologies that have moved from “emerging” to “almost there.” In other words, 2025 will feel like a centuries-old industry has just hit its teens.

Prognosen 2025: Tech-Ausgaben werden steigen, aber kann KI 2025 ihre Versprechen für Versicherer einlösen?

Indranil Bandyopadhyay 23 Oktober 2024
Das Versprechen der KI, Underwriting, Schadenregulierung und Customer Experience zu transformieren, kann nach wie vor nicht eingelöst werden. Nur ein kleiner Bruchteil der Versicherer wird 2025 das volle Potenzial ausschöpfen. Technologiegetriebene Produktinnovationen, wie eingebettete Versicherungen und nutzungsbasierte Versicherungen, könnten schnellere Ergebnisse liefern, langfristige KI-Gewinne bleiben jedoch in weiter Ferne.

Ready For 2025? Discover Key B2B Marketing And Sales Predictions!

Check out our 2025 predictions for B2B CMOs and CSOs! Discover the groundbreaking shifts in AI, product-led growth, buying groups, and digital sales headed your way.


Predictions 2025: Smart Manufacturing And Mobility Firms Adapt With Tech

Paul Miller 17 hours ago
After a challenging 2024, manufacturing and transportation firms and leaders will use technology to adapt to the tricky environment in which they and their customers find themselves. Find out more in our 2025 predictions for smart manufacturing and mobility.

Predictions 2025: GenAI, Citizen Developers, And Caution Influence Automation

Craig Le Clair 17 hours ago
The key to automation success in 2025 will be balancing AI innovation with the scale and reliability of traditional automation tools and methods. To help you strike that balance, here’s a preview of Forrester’s automation predictions for 2025.

Prognosen 2025: Unternehmen für Smart Manufacturing und Mobilität passen sich neuen Technologien an

Paul Miller 23 Oktober 2024
Nach einem herausfordernden Jahr 2024 werden Unternehmen und Führungskräfte der Fertigungs- und Transportbranche Technologien einsetzen, um sich an das schwierige Umfeld anzupassen, in dem sie und ihre Kunden sich befinden. Erfahren Sie mehr in unseren Prognosen 2025 zu Smart Manufacturing und Mobilität.

Predictions 2025: A Year Of Reckoning For Enterprise Application Vendors

Kate Leggett 17 hours ago
After a challenging 2024, two themes will dominate the enterprise software market in 2025: trust and value. Learn more in our 2025 predictions for enterprise software.

Predictions 2025: GenAI Reality Bites Back For Software Developers

Christopher Condo 17 hours ago
AI assistants are only the beginning of the generative AI software development revolution. Find out what’s in store for software developers in our 2025 predictions for software development.

How Will 2025 B2C Trends Shape Your Strategy?

Prepare for the future with our 2025 predictions for B2C marketing and CX leaders. Learn how to refine your strategies for AI, tech stacks, loyalty programs, frontline agents, TikTok, and more.


Predictions 2025: Banks Must Innovate To Reverse The Double Whammy Of Declining CX And Profitability

Alyson Clarke 17 hours ago
Banks need to get ready for a major challenge in 2025: a simultaneous decline in customer experience and worsening profitability. But fear not, because there is a solution to this double whammy: innovation.

Predictions 2025: Payments Disruption Roars Ahead

Lily Varon 17 hours ago
It’s been quite a ride for payments in recent years. So what awaits us in 2025? More fits and starts, and significant disruptions to the status quo.

Prognosen 2025: Tech-Führungskräfte auf der Suche nach High Performance

Frederic Giron 23 Oktober 2024
Nach einer Zeit erheblicher Technologie-Investitionen wird sich der Fokus 2025 darauf verschieben, das Potenzial der vorhandenen Technologien durch eine verbesserte Anwendung, Integration und Optimierung auszuschöpfen. Erfahren Sie mehr in unseren Prognosen 2025 für Technologie-Führungskräfte.

Tesla Seeks To Join The Robotaxi Party With Cybercab

Paul Miller 2 days ago
Tesla unveiled its self-driving robotaxi at an event on a movie studio that was full of hype and bold promises but light on proof points.

377: How To Design Trustworthy AI Experiences

The CX Cast 2 days ago
Eighty percent of UK consumers believe that firms should always disclose when they use AI, yet only 48% believe that AI powers self-driving cars. With such a mismatch between consumer expectations and knowledge, Enza Iannopollo, Forrester Principal Analyst, joins us to discuss how to use emerging EU legislation as a foundation to build trusted AI. 

Jan. 30 Tech & Security Predictions Webinar

Join us to dive into the top 2025 predictions and discover their impact on your tech and security strategies — with exclusive insights from the analysts who conducted the research.


Predictions 2025 APAC Webinar: Technology

Explore the 2025 technology predictions that Asia Pacific leaders need to prepare for today. Reserve your seat for our November 26 live webinar to discover the AI, privacy, data, and customer trends driving success.

Predictions 2025 Webinar: B2C Marketing & Customer Experience

Get ahead of the 2025 shifts in B2C marketing and customer experience trends. Explore our predictions for customer and brand loyalty, genAI, privacy, tech stacks, and more.

Predictions 2025 Webinar: B2B Marketing & Sales

Join us for a live webinar on the human and tech-related challenges ahead for B2B teams. Explore our 2025 predictions for CMOs and CSOs that you’ll want to plan for now.
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