Designing in a high-resolution world…help!
I’m Richard Gans, a Researcher on Forrester’s Customer Experience team. Ron Rogowski and I just published some research about designing sites to work in a high-resolution world. What did we find? The good old days of having simple choices for what size screen to optimize your site for are long over. Now, the majority of screens have surpassed 1024×768 with no single standard resolution in sight.
You might be thinking, “this trend isn’t new, so why should we be concerned about it now?” The answer is that the continuing proliferation of screen resolutions makes it harder to optimize site design. On top of that, this high-resolution world exacerbates common usability challenges, such as leading to decreased text legibility, morphed layouts, and camouflaged content. It is more important than ever to consider how user experiences differ as higher resolutions become available and even more commonplace.
To get more details on tips to help you optimize sites to accommodate multiple resolutions, please access the full report at Forrester’s site.
As always, we welcome your feedback and comments on this report.