It's that time again, and we are busy updating our annual report, "The Top 15 Trends EA Should Watch." For this year, we have expanded the number of analysts contributing to the research, and we want to capture your thoughts condensed into 140 character sound bytes.

In addition to using the jam as research, we are going to prepare a second, special report citing key tweets and providing our analysis. We will make this report available on request to non-clients who participate, so come join us!

Info on the Jam

  • Hash tag: #forrtttj
  • When: Friday, 7/29, 10-11 a.m. Eastern time
  • Host: Brian Hopkins (@practicingEA)

Scope of the jam:

We predicted that 2011 would be about mobile, social, cloud and data. So far we have been right, but things are always changing. Some things we want to jam on:

  • What are the major technology landscape shifts you are seeing?
  • Are social, mobile, cloud and data still the big four or are there new things going on? What about each of these is interesting or vexing? What are the key shifts in client and vendor approaches?
  • What technologies are looming big on your radar this year and next?
  • Around the halfway point I'll steer the jam towards speculation — what's going to happen that we don't expect?

Please join the jam, but also give us your inputs ahead of time. What questions about emerging technology trends would you like to see in the jam? I’ll have a list of tweets prepared to keep the conversation going. 

Look forward to your participation. Please share this blog around, looking forward to a great session.


The results are in and cloud was the big conversation. If you count all the tweets that are completely on another topic but related to the cloud, it was 47% of the 92 tweets that were "non-administrative". Did some poor man's text analysis on the results, and here is some analysis:

Base – 92 Tweets

I've categorized the 27 participants into three groups – Analysts (9), EA Bloggers and Independents (9), and Technology Vendors (9).

So what does this mean? My first reaction was, "our eyes are clouded by the cloud" – because we couldn't get the conversation on anything else. Then I rethought it a bit and have a new idea. I'll share this in a report that I'm working on, which also has some interesting tweets in it and what we think the point was. Once it is done, I'll let everyone know here and you can request if if you are not a Forrester client.


There is a nice analysis of the jam text at The – check it out. Also a nice analysis of the Jam at smartdatacollective. Thanks Amanda.