Forrester’s Next-Generation Financial Services Summit Sydney Is Almost Here
Business leaders in the financial services industry (FSI) know that digital isn’t the future — it’s the present. How do I know this? A recent Forrester survey found that global FSI firms generated 34% of their 2015 revenue through digital products and services or products sold online. By 2020, this digital quotient will surge to more than half of their business, driving a digital arms (and capabilities) race against a new breed of competitor.
Australia's banks have already proven to be some of the most innovative globally. But faced with increasing consumer demands and financial technology (fintech) challengers, they need to continue to raise the bar. JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon accurately sums up the new competitive dynamic that all major banks face when he notes that “There are hundreds of startups with a lot of brains and money working on various alternatives to traditional banking.”
Our inaugural invitation-only FSI summit in Sydney on Thursday, August 4 will bring together an intimate group of senior executives from banks, insurance companies, and fintech firms to share Forrester’s latest digital business research and facilitate a discussion with industry leaders in the financial services industry. Our team of esteemed analysts will lead the discussion; here is a snapshot of the topics that will be presented on the morning of the summit:
- Michael Barnes (Vice President and Research Director serving CMOs – Sydney): Accelerating Digital Business In Financial Services
- Alyson Clarke (Principal Analyst serving eBusiness and channel strategy professionals – New York City): From Perfect To Fast: How To Inject Discipline Into Your Innovation Process
- Zhi Ying Ng (Researcher serving eBusiness and channel strategy professionals – Singapore): How Well Do Australian Banks Stack Up Globally In Mobile Banking?
- Ryan Hart (Principal Analyst serving customer experience professionals – Singapore): Design Thinking For Financial Services
We have also invited a panel of industry executives to discuss the role of fintechs in driving disruption.
There is limited availability, but if you are a senior decision-maker for a leading financial services or fintech firm and would like to take part, please contact Sarah Herman. One-on-one meetings can also be arranged with the above analysts for executives who’d like a more in-depth discussion on specific topics.
On behalf of the Forrester team in Sydney, we look forward to seeing you on August 4!