Abhijit Sunil
Senior Analyst

Author Insights
Supercharge The IT Circular Economy With The CARFAX Approach
The Challenge With The Circular Economy In 2025, Forrester predicted that more than a third of Global Fortune 100 firms will commit to circular economy goals. We recommended that, this year, enterprise leaders perform infrastructure lifecycle assessments to understand the environmental impact of their choices. Further for manufacturing, Forrester’s report, Embrace The Circular Economy To […]
Predictions 2025: Environmental Sustainability Drivers Shift From Regulation To Efficiency And Savings
While regulatory compliance will remain a driver for sustainability efforts, in 2025, sustainability teams will need to change their focus to show savings. Find out more in our 2025 environmental sustainability predictions.
Underestimated Danger: The Story Of Plastics In IT
In 2022, 27% of the e-waste generated was plastics. And the recycling rate of e-waste is projected to decline from 22.3% in 2022 to 20% by 2030. Find out how some of the top IT vendors are stepping up.
Earth Day 2024: Back To Square One For Sustainability Maturity
A lot has changed in the regulatory landscape since we introduced Forrester’s Sustainability Maturity Model three years ago. For Earth Day 2024, we’ve updated the model. Read this post to learn about the major changes to the model and how it can help your organization reassess your sustainability maturity.
Introducing The Sustainability Management Software Landscape Report And Forrester Wave™ Evaluation
Environmental sustainability is a compliance, accounting, and data management challenge for companies. So it's not surprising that the sustainability management software market is expanding rapidly. Learn more about these trends in this preview of our new Wave and Landscape reports on sustainability management software.
Are You Ready? The SEC’s Climate-Related Disclosures Have Dropped.
The long-awaited climate-related disclosures ruling from the SEC is finally here. Learn what business and tech leaders need to do to comply.
FORR The Planet: Sustainability Interview Series — Hallmark
Kristin Edie, vice president of enterprise sustainability at Hallmark, discusses her leadership role and the most impactful sustainability efforts at Hallmark.
Scoring Our 2023 Sustainability Predictions: How Did We Do?
Forrester reviews its 2023 sustainability predictions by scoring each individual prediction in depth. This year, one of our five predictions received an A score, three received a B score, and one received a C score. Considering several unanticipated economic challenges across industries, these scores indicate continued progress and opportunities in the green market revolution.
Prognosen 2024: Die ökologische Nachhaltigkeit tritt in die heiße Phase
Von Waldbränden über Überschwemmungen bis hin zu Hitzewellen: 2023 war ein vom Klimachaos geprägtes Jahr. Erfahren Sie in den Forrester-Prognosen für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit, was das Jahr 2024 für Unternehmen bringen wird.
Predictions 2024: The Heat Is On For The Green Market
From wildfires to floods to heat waves, 2023 has been marked by climate chaos. Learn what businesses can expect in 2024 with Forrester’s environmental sustainability predictions.
Prévisions 2024 : Le Green Market entre dans une phase brûlante
Des feux de forêt aux inondations en passant par les vagues de chaleur, 2023 a été marquée par le chaos climatique. Découvrez ce à quoi les entreprises peuvent s’attendre en 2024 grâce aux prévisions de Forrester en matière de durabilité environnementale.
Introducing The Inaugural Landscape And Forrester Wave™ Evaluation On IT Sustainability Services
The demand for services that can help decarbonize IT is surging as the services continue to evolve. Learn how two new reports can help guide your IT sustainability journey.
Heat Reuse In Data Centers May Be Required And Regulated
Debates surrounding the Energy Efficiency Act, which aims to reduce energy use in public authorities, corporations, and data centers, will potentially influence future laws globally. Why is this important and what does it mean? Here’s the context: Data centers use a lot of energy. The International Energy Agency estimated that global data center electricity consumption […]
Generative AI Will Supercharge The Green Market Revolution
The advent of generative AI brings immense potential for the technology to aid in areas of environmental sustainability efforts. This incudes measurement and reporting, research and revolution, and design and manufacturing, among others. Find out the details in this blog.
The State Of IT Environmental Sustainability, 2023: Results From A Global Survey Of IT And Sustainability Decision-Makers
Technology and sustainability leaders can use the insights in this report to benchmark their own state of IT environmental sustainability.
Responding To Today’s Global Uncertainty With Sustainability
Last year, a number of Forrester analysts discussed how manufacturers are responding to the challenges their industry faces right now. As I wrote at the time: “Energy prices are scary. Supply chain disruptions are scary. Workforce modernization and empowerment are hard. Budgets are tightening. Hardware upgrades are expensive, slow, and painful. Aligning the competing (or, […]
Forr The Planet: Sustainability Interview Series — Mary de Wysocki, Chief Sustainability Officer at Cisco
Read this interview with Cisco's chief sustainability officer Mary de Wysocki to learn about her priorities in building up the sustainability team and the challenges that lie ahead in the telecommunications sector.
The SEC’s Proposed Rule On Climate Disclosure Has Teeth, Leaving Supporters And Opponents Simultaneously Unhappy
The proposed pivot from suggestion to regulation will require companies to take climate risk seriously — and do a lot of math. All corporations that file with the SEC will need to be prepared.
A Seven-Step Guide To A Successful Technology Sustainability Strategy
With COP26 coming up, here are seven actionable steps to build a successful sustainability strategy from scratch.
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