Barbara Winters
VP, Principal Analyst

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Author Insights
What’s The Difference Between The B2B Buyer’s Journey Map And B2B Revenue Waterfall™?
Get a quick definitions of a buyer’s journey map and a revenue waterfall and find out how they work together in preview of a new report.
The State Of Business Buying: Companies Still Struggle To Meet Buyer Expectations
Our latest survey of more than 16,000 global B2B buyers shows that they’re increasingly frustrated and dissatisfied. Learn where they experience friction and how companies can help overcome it.
Getting Buyer Experience Right Is A Must For B2B Organizations
B2B organizations excel at customer experience (CX), but they don’t apply the same discipline to the buyer experience. And with B2B buyers more savvy and demanding than ever, taking a CX approach to understanding and managing the buyer experience can be a competitive advantage. This blog post covers three things to consider when thinking through how to manage the buyer experience at your organization.
Younger Business Buyers Are Having Their Say
Millennials and Gen Zers now represent the majority of business buyers globally. Understanding how they approach the buying process is increasingly essential.
The Customer Lifecycle Is The Design Muse To Accelerate Your Journey To Customer Obsession
Learn how the Forrester Customer Lifecycle Framework helps B2B and B2C business leaders — enterprisewide! — calibrate what are too often internally focused processes instead of the customer’s process and perspective in order to become more customer-obsessed.
The Buyer’s Journey Is The Portfolio Marketer’s Key To Planning For 2022
Understanding how today's buyers gather information and being ready to educate and engage with them, wherever they are, is more important than ever.
Fall Is The Best Time For Planting Seeds And Planning For Growth
Portfolio marketing teams can play a key role in annual planning efforts by analyzing new markets and new buyers for growth opportunities.
Four Questions to Spark Your Development of Robust Buyer Personas
- Persona building historically relies on traditional methods and manual data gathering
- Personas often lack the robust data that makes them valuable to the rest of the organization
- Portfolio marketers can leverage advanced data-gathering techniques to support persona development
Why a Team Handshake Is Better than a Handoff When It Comes to Content Strategy
- Content alignment and use is an ongoing challenge in B2B marketing
- Portfolio marketing and content teams often work in silos, which exacerbates the problem
- Effective collaboration requires an understanding of what each team brings to the table, and a willing handshake through key milestones
Building B2B Buyer Personas: How Personal Should They Be?
- B2B personas should focus on job roles more than demographics
- Balance creativity, accessibility and functionality when documenting personas
- Don’t be afraid to get emotional, as long as it applies to business decision-making
Dialing Up an Audience-Centric Approach to Marketing
- Organizations that follow an audience-centric go-to-market approach experience many benefits, including better engagement and response rates and ultimately increased revenue
- Identifying and understanding target audiences and developing buyer personas are key first steps
- Transforming an organization to audience-centricity requires alignment across product, marketing and sales teams
Do I Really Have to Develop All That Messaging?
- B2B buying decisions are generally made by groups of buyers
- When creating messaging, B2B marketers need to address each member of the buying group for best results
- Understanding each person in the buying group and prioritizing his or her role in the decision process provides a roadmap to accomplish the task