Drew Green
Researcher, serving CMO professionals

Author Insights
New Leaders Emerge As Disruption Accelerates
When you think about digital disruption, Uber-like firms come to mind: digital businesses blindsiding well-entrenched industries like taxis, hotels, or razors with new business models and experiences anchored on a simple strategy — value creation — now defined by convenience, speed, surprise and delight, and personalization. But customer-obsessed success stories run deeper than just upending the market […]
$122 Billion: The Marketing Technology and Services Investment Sticker Shock
At $90 billion today and growing to $122 billion by 2022, CMOs are pouring budgets into investments which align their organization’s operations with greater customer and experience focus. Planning and budgeting for the technology and services investments supporting these goals stands as a critical task for CMOs and will only get harder in the future. […]