Judy Weader
Principal Analyst

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Author Insights
Health Insurers: Poor Communication Harms Your Customer Experience
Plain language is a key driver of CX quality in health insurance, but only half of US online adults who are health insurance customers say it’s easy to understand their coverage. This key indicator has been trending downwards: It was 57% in 2023 and reached a high of 59% in 2022. Health insurers must act […]
The State Of Trust In US Health Insurers Is Fragile
Just 56% of consumers trust their health insurer to act in their best interest, putting trust in US health insurers at a three-year low during a watershed moment for the industry. Insurers that create value for customers and earn their trust reap considerable benefits.
Health Insurers: It’s Time For Better
In 2024, trust in health insurers hit a three-year low, with just 56% of consumers saying that they trust their health insurer to do what's in their best interest. Regain consumer trust by taking these actions.
Get Ready For A Wild Ride: What Proposed Appointments Mean For US Healthcare
The ride for healthcare leaders is about to get wild. Before the election, healthcare stood at a critical precipice. Now the industry is bracing for a reckoning under the second Trump administration.
School’s In Session — Five Lessons Learned From The Forrester Wave™: Customer Experience Strategy Consulting Services, Q4 2024
Get the five key lessons learned about customer experience strategy consulting services in this preview of our new Wave report.
The PBM Paradox: Catalysts Of Concentration Risk In The Healthcare Ecosystem
A recent study by the American Medical Association (AMA) noted that just four firms dominate 70% of the pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) industry, a textbook definition of an oligopoly. Learn more about what's driving this trend and what the impact could be.
US Health Insurer CX Quality Plummets To A Five-Year Low
There’s just no way to sugarcoat this: US health insurer Customer Experience Index (CX Index™) ratings for 2024 have landed with a resounding thud. This is the second time since 2021 that the industry average rating had a statistically significant decline — and it’s easy to see why: Ten brands scored their lowest ratings in […]
It’s Not A Mirage: We Need A Way Out Of The Medical Desert
All healthcare ecosystem players must act swiftly and boldly to curb the rise of medical deserts before the healthcare system reaches a point where more preventable tragedies sweep the US.
Announcing The Customer Experience Strategy Consulting Services Landscape, Q2 2024
Nearly 60% of customer experience (CX) decision-makers say that improving CX is the top priority for their organization’s executives, but that doesn’t mean they have to — or choose to — go it alone. In The Customer Experience Strategy Consulting Services Landscape, Q2 2024, Forrester identified 31 firms that are helping businesses diagnose customer problems, […]
Is Your Strategy Failing You? Or Are You Failing Your Strategy?
The basic concept of a strategy is that it describes what an organization plans to do, and very importantly, it excludes the things that the organization doesn’t plan to do. But it’s not just the what that matters: It’s also the how. When I advise Forrester’s clients on how to think about their customer experience […]
So What Happens If Cigna Merges With Humana?
Cigna has set its sights on Humana and plans to close a cash and stock deal to acquire its fellow insurer before the year’s end, according to The Wall Street Journal. STAT News talked about this possibility several weeks ago, in the context of Cigna potentially selling off its Medicare Advantage (MA) business. Take that […]
The US Government Might Get (Even More) Serious About CX
If a bipartisan group of congresspeople succeeds, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will increase both the oversight and visibility of US government efforts to improve customer experience (CX). Two new bills — one in the House and one in the Senate — propose that the OMB offer oversight and establish standards […]
Predictions 2024: CX Teams Should Buckle Up For A “Fun” Ride
In 2024, we expect that CX leaders will continue to navigate variable footing, in some cases finding themselves caught in the crossfire between new tech and old policies. Prepare yourself for the new year with a preview of our 2024 predictions.
Prévisions 2024 : les équipes CX vont devoir s’accrocher
En 2024, nous nous attendons à ce que les responsables CX continuent à travailler dans des conditions inégales, se trouvant dans certains cas pris en étau entre nouvelles technologies et politiques obsolètes. Préparez-vous pour la nouvelle année avec un aperçu de nos prévisions pour 2024.
Prognosen 2024: CX-Teams sollten sich für eine „wilde“ Fahrt bereitmachen
Wir gehen davon aus, dass sich CX-Führungskräfte im Jahr 2024 weiterhin in einem schwierigen Umfeld bewegen und gelegentlich in das Kreuzfeuer zwischen neuen Technologien und alten Richtlinien geraten werden. Bereiten Sie sich mit einer Vorschau auf unsere Prognosen 2024 auf das neue Jahr vor.
It’s Time To Tell The Healthcare CX Story In Terms Of ROI
Real talk: Healthcare customer experience needs to improve. For example, Forrester’s data shows that 56% of US online adults with health insurance feel that their health insurer should do more to help them understand what healthcare services cost. Over 40% say that their health insurer’s financial forms (such as bills and statements) are hard to […]
US Health Insurers’ CX In 2023: Stable, Trending Toward Stagnant
If there’s a hair’s breadth between keeping pace and treading water, the US health insurance industry is balancing right on it. In our latest report, The US Health Insurers Customer Experience Index Rankings, 2023, we reviewed and dissected the latest Customer Experience Index (CX Index™) data for the industry — and became keenly aware of […]
Inside NOAA’s Accelerated CX Transformation
NOAA achieved a CX transformation in two years that usually takes five. Learn how partnering with Forrester accelerated NOAA’s successful CX transformation.
Decide Today How You’re Going To Prioritize Tomorrow
In 2022, Forrester’s data showed that nearly one in five customer experience (CX) professionals said that their program doesn’t have a defined process to prioritize its work. That’s a mind-bogglingly high number of people — and organizations — that are making decisions based on gut feeling, the loudest voice, the highest-paid person’s opinion, or maybe […]
How The NOAA-Forrester Partnership Led To Success With Federal CX — Interview With Tony Wilhelm
In this interview with the NOAA’s Tony Wilhelm, discover how a partnership with Forrester allowed NOAA to fast-track a CX transformation to better serve vulnerable communities.
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