Lori Wizdo
VP, Principal Analyst

Author Insights
Driving Predictable Growth In Unpredictable Times
Many B2B marketing leaders expect a modest bump in budget in 2024. Our newly released planning guide offers data-backed insight on how best to use that increased budget.
CMOs Can Unlock New Value With Lifecycle Revenue Marketing
Claiming a stake in revenue production has greatly improved the status of the marketing organization — and the CMO — in B2B companies. But without swift change, some of that hard-won strategic standing is vulnerable.
Are You Ready To Step Up To B2B Marketing’s New Destiny?
As forces converge to drive B2B marketing to a higher purpose, marketing leaders must evolve from brand stewards, lead generation machines, and sales supporters in order to fulfill it.
Presumed Innovative Until Proven Guilty
Most B2B marketing leaders are not as innovative as they think they are. Join us at Forrester’s B2B Summit North America — an in-person and digital experience happening June 5–7 — to learn tips and tricks that you can use to jump-start your innovation agenda.
The Customer Lifecycle Is The Design Muse To Accelerate Your Journey To Customer Obsession
Learn how the Forrester Customer Lifecycle Framework helps B2B and B2C business leaders — enterprisewide! — calibrate what are too often internally focused processes instead of the customer’s process and perspective in order to become more customer-obsessed.
Predictions 2022: B2B Marketing Leaders Will Leverage Disruption To Structure A Redefined Role
Growth Marketers Ignore E-Channels At Their Peril
Both business buyers and B2B sellers are increasing their participation in marketplaces. As the shift continues, companies that have experience of and actual success in marketing on marketplaces will reap the benefits of early adoption. A number of factors are converging to drive this trend. B2B buyers rely less and less on enterprise account reps. […]
Insights From The Cutting-Room Floor
Because it’s hard to insert a real-time press interview into my daily schedule in a window that meets most press deadlines, I deliver a lot of my interviews via emailed responses to questions. Not all of my responses make it into the final article, of course. But the one thing that is great about email […]
Research Collection
B2B Leaders: Adjust Your Marketing And CX Spending In The Wake Of COVID-19
The business effects of the COVID-19 pandemic will be with us for years. However, the consequences of the pandemic are not identical for all companies. Different industries and firms face disparate consumer trends, resource availability, and revenue potential during the pandemic and its aftermath. As a result, companies operate in one of three modes: survival, […]
Predictions 2021: B2B Marketers Build Digital Pathways To Distanced Businesses
The events of 2020 have dramatically accelerated the digital destinies of B2B buyers and marketers. The transformation will continue in 2021 — and marketers who plan for these five shifts will gain an edge.
B2B Martech In The Time Of COVID-19
As the pandemic forces cuts to marketing budgets, marketing technology is the one category expected to be spared. Marketing organizations are leaning on martech to make up for lost time and improve engagement and conversions.
Microsegmentation: The Missing Piece In Your Customer-Obsession Puzzle
It's time for B2B marketers to rethink segmentation. Learn how refining your approach can help you engage and drive more revenue from your customer base.
Adobe Summit Offers Some “Classic” Themes In A New Format
The spike in online commerce, the importance of experiences (and data to power them), and the need for organizations of all types to accelerate their digital transformation were themes that were front and center at last week’s Adobe Summit 2020. Presented as a series of video keynotes and live BlueJeans-based panels and breakout sessions, this […]
The Martech Roundtable: The Past, Present, And Future Of Marketing Technology For Business And Consumer Marketers, Part 3
In December, B2C marketing analysts Joe Stanhope and Rusty Warner and B2B marketing analyst Lori Wizdo hosted the second annual martech roundtable to help marketers make informed decisions against the backdrop of these exciting and disruptive trends in marketing technology. In the third and final installment of our martech roundtable webinar recap, we’ll discuss important […]
The Martech Roundtable: The Past, Present, And Future Of Marketing Technology For Business And Consumer Marketers, Part 2
In December, B2C marketing analysts Joe Stanhope and Rusty Warner and B2B marketing analyst Lori Wizdo hosted the second annual martech roundtable to help marketers make informed decisions against the backdrop of these exciting and disruptive trends in marketing technology. In part two of our martech roundtable webinar recap, we’ll delve into high-level marketing trends […]
The Martech Roundtable: The Past, Present, And Future Of Marketing Technology For Business And Consumer Marketers, Part 1
Navigating the marketing technology ecosystem is more challenging than ever before. These takeaways from our recent martech roundtable webinar can help marketers make informed decisions.
B2B Marketing Should Organize Around The Customer In 2020
The theme of Forrester’s “Predictions 2020: B2B Marketing And Sales” report was “accelerating response to the great expectations for the B2B buying experience.” The report made five unique calls; one of them was mine: The number of organizations with audience-based structures will more than double. Since we published the report late last year, I’ve had […]
It’s Time To Mainstream ABM
When account-based marketing (ABM) burst onto the scene in 2015, it was positioned by a number of vendors as the death of traditional marketing. And while that controversial approach might have been great for creating buzz and drawing attention, it created significant confusion for the mainstream B2B marketer. It’s taken a couple of years to […]
Adobe Changes Its Marketing Cloud Trajectory With Marketo Acquisition
I am still catching my breath. Adobe has agreed to acquire Marketo for $4.75 billion. The deal is the biggest in Adobe’s history and a massive encore to the acquisition of Magento for a mere $1.7 billion in May. On the one hand, I find myself proud to be a B2B marketer — to think that […]
The Key To Marketing And Sales Alignment? The Customer
B2B marketers get it. They know they need to operate across their sales and marketing silos to get beyond portfolio-centric campaigns to connect with buyers via specific, contextually relevant content that engages customers across the entire life cycle. The question is no longer why. The question is how. That’s why I am excited about the sessions […]
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