Seth Marrs
Principal Analyst

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Author Insights
Why The “AI Agent As Coworker” Narrative Is The Future
AI agents have a promising future as innovative coworkers, and their presence is already being felt despite the inflated hype and current limitations.
What I Learned About Sales Technology In 2024
This blog provides a 2024 year in review of the sales technology market, along with a view on how it will impact 2025.
B2B Marketing Measurement Isn’t Trusted, And It’s About To Get Worse — A Bonus Prediction
Let’s brace ourselves for a hard truth. Trust in marketing measurement is already poor, and left unchecked, it’s poised to get 20% worse. Learn about the challenges and market forces contributing to this decline, and find out the steps that you can take to enhance trust in marketing measurement.
Double-Clicking Into The Compensation Capabilities Of Sales Performance Management
Learn how the Forrester Sales Compensation Design And Management Model and a new landscape report can help evaluate sale performance management platforms.
Predictions 2025: GenAI As A Growth Driver Will Put B2B Executives To The Test
In 2025, the true potential of generative AI as a growth driver will be tested. B2B marketing, sales, and product teams should prepare for the good, bad, and even ugly outcomes of trying to generate value from this hot technology.
Prévisions 2025 : B2B
La GenAI mettra les dirigeants à l’épreuve.
En 2025, le véritable potentiel de l'IA générative en tant que moteur de croissance va être mis à l'épreuve. Les équipes marketing, vente et produits B2B doivent se préparer à des résultats mitigés lorsqu'elles tenteront de générer de la valeur à partir de cette technologie en vogue.
Prognosen 2025: GenAI als Wachstumstreiber wird B2B-Verantwortliche auf die Probe stellen
Im Jahr 2025 wird das wahre Potenzial der generativen KI als Wachstumstreiber auf die Probe gestellt werden. Teams für B2B-Marketing, -Vertrieb und Produkte sollten sich bei ihrem Versuch, diese brandneue Technologie wertsteigernd zu nutzen, für positive, negative und sogar unschöne Ergebnisse wappnen.
How Corpay Used Compensation To Improve Lead Conversion
Learn how Corpay redesigned its compensation programs to improve lead conversion rates.
My Take On The Year Ahead For Sales Tech After Attending Three Key Events
This blog provides takeaways from Dreamforce, INBOUND, and CloudWorld that clients can use to get a perspective on each vendor’s vision for the coming year.
The First Forrester Wave™ Evaluation Of Revenue Orchestration Platforms For B2B Is Live
The Forrester Wave™: Revenue Orchestration Platforms For B2B, Q3 2024, provides a comprehensive market evaluation of the ROP category, highlighting how these platforms integrate sales engagement, conversation intelligence, and revenue operations to enhance frontline productivity and buyer interactions through AI capabilities.
Sales And Marketing Must Partner Around Opportunities — No Matter The Pipeline Stage
Too many marketing and sales teams still hold onto old dogmas and operate in a way that does not reflect how buyers want to engage, which makes it harder to achieve their collective revenue goals.
Five Standout Features Of Real-Time Revenue Execution Providers
Real-time revenue execution platform vendors have built important features that enable companies to improve revenue outcomes. After evaluating the top vendors in this category, five features stood out.
When It Comes To Sales And Marketing Alignment, Data Needs To Come Before People
Perfecting the execution of a complex system requires data to enable revenue teams to deliver the best results on every deal.
It’s Time For Sales Leaders To Coach Sellers Like Athletes
Sales managers now have the visibility needed to coach sellers beyond the basics.
A New Supergroup For Revenue Technology Emerges: Revenue Orchestration Platforms
In the world of revenue technology, three distinct categories have converged to form a new supergroup of revtech capabilities. Learn more about revenue orchestration platforms in this preview of a new report.
What Salesloft’s Acquisition Of Drift Means
Salesloft’s acquisition of Drift is a first step into marketing technology for sales tech vendors.
Understanding The Real-Time Revenue Execution Platform Landscape
Real-time revenue execution platforms strengthen prospect identification and digital engagement while also providing capabilities that ensure the best buyer experience. Learn more about how they can improve business outcomes.
What I Learned About Sales Technology In 2023
The past year was an exciting one for the sales technology market. Here are some of the highlights, along with a look ahead to 2024.
What Google’s New Spam Protection Means For Sales And Marketing
Learn more about the impending changes to Gmail and Yahoo spam rules, along with what you can do about it.
Conversation Intelligence For B2B Revenue Drives AI-Generated B2B Insights
The recent evaluation, The Forrester Wave™: Conversation Intelligence For B2B Revenue, Q4 2023, revealed trends that help customers understand what they should look for in providers when purchasing CI solutions.
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