As a data and analytics leader, you are in the perfect position to help your company turbocharge the business: optimize, reimagine, reinvent. “What???” you say. “That’s not my role,” you may say. Oh, but it is. Do you want to learn from business leaders about how they’ve done and are doing this and get inspired about the next steps you can take now? We’ll help. Join us at this year’s Data Strategy & Insights Forum in Austin, Texas.

Be The Change

Your customers are continuously leaving behind old norms, adopting new ones, seeking and finding new priorities and approaches, and changing their attitudes. Your company must not only keep up with customers but stay ahead of them, understanding them individually and at scale and acting on insights from data. Today, there’s typically a canyon, not just a gap, between data-to-insights work and taking actions using that work: Only about 50% of business decisions are made using data versus using gut feeling or opinion, according to respondents in the 2019 Forrester Analytics Global Business Technographics® Data And Analytics Survey. Sound familiar? Probably, because that percentage has hardly budged since 2016 despite continued investment in data, technology, and people.

As a data and analytics leader, accelerating your company’s progress in being not only customer-obsessed but insights-driven requires fundamental change in the way everyone works. With your expertise in data and analytics, you have the foundational chops to both lead and serve in making that happen. Come and learn more about the human skills you must up-level to be the change.

See the full agenda of the Data Strategy & Insights Forum here.