How To Incorporate AI Into Your 2020 Healthcare Strategy

With 2020 on the horizon, leading healthcare organizations (HCOs) are starting their strategic planning. Forrester’s latest data shows that more than half of healthcare purchase influencers are planning new or increased investment in AI tools over the next 12 months. To no surprise, AI has been a leading area of interest and inquiry among healthcare clients. Watch the video below for Forrester’s take on how HCOs can incorporate AI into their 2020 strategy and realize tangible results.

Read Forrester’s report, “How To Achieve The Healthcare Quadruple Aim With Artificial Intelligence,” for a deeper dive into how AI can be leveraged across the care continuum.

Want to discuss the research or your 2020 healthcare strategy in greater detail? Schedule an inquiry here or email

(Caleb Ewald contributed to this blog.)


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