in-store checkout



The Data Digest: Consumers Check Out Amazon Go

Chris Collins February 14, 2018
Amazon recently launched a new and unique type of store, after beta testing it for the better part of a year. The store, dubbed Amazon Go, promises consumers no checkout lines: Everything you grab from the shelves is tracked and charged to your Amazon account. With the help of the enigmatic Just Walk Out technology, […]

#NRF2018’s Focus On Customer-Associate Engagement

Ananda Chakravarty January 22, 2018
At the packed NRF Big Show #NRF2018 in New York last week, many retailers looked at vendors touting new tech, including AI, AR/VR, and more, all in the name of improving customer experiences. But most of those same retailers know that, before leaping into that arena, they first need to bring existing systems up to […]

Amazon Blends Digital and Physical Experiences At Their New Book Store

Bruce Eppinger September 5, 2017
Recently I stopped in at the new Amazon Book store on 34th Street in Manhattan to see how Amazon is re-imagining the in-store experience. While Amazon has much to learn about retail from the brick and mortar giants, physical stores can learn a lot from how Amazon is successfully bringing the digital experience into the […]

Mobile Self-Checkout Success Depends On Bridging The Loss Prevention Gap

Brendan Miller August 4, 2017
Mobile self-checkout technology promises to not only streamline the physical checkout experience, but more importantly, to bring an augmented digital shopping experience to the physical store. When mobile self-checkout shoppers scan items to put in their physical baskets, digital business leaders will have real-time digital basket data to drive more relevant up-sell, cross-sell, and contextual […]

Digital Store Technologies Take the Stage For Both Customer and Associate Experience

Ananda Chakravarty July 27, 2017
Digital retail theater is becoming reality for consumers as retailers rush to find ways of attracting and retaining store customers.  What is digital retail theater?  It’s the combination of original retail theater – entertainment, novelty, and engagement – with digital technologies and services to create the next level of in-store experience.  My colleague, Brendan Miller […]