Take These Three Steps To Build Your CX Improvement Business Case
Building a successful business case requires a strong foundation. Customer experience (CX) pros have the tools to be master builders — if they know how to use them. In our just-released report, “Why CX: Proof That Investing In Experience Improves Revenue, Cost, And Risk,” we help CX pros make that case by providing over 20 examples of B2C and B2B firms that have done it already. Take these three steps to fuel your construction work:
- Ground your business case in what’s measurable and meaningful. Any successful pitch will involve something measurable and quantifiable (preferably in monetary terms) and will align to the things on the top of your executives’ minds. These could be goals and objectives or personal passions; either way, they need to be things that will engage execs and make them willing to roll up their sleeves to work with you.
- Set your cornerstone by understanding how you’ll impact revenue, cost, or risk. These are the things that keep CEOs up at night, so that’s where you need to focus your efforts. Will the improvement help you acquire new customers (increasing revenue), deflect unnecessary support cases (lowering costs), or improve employee retention (reducing risk)? These aren’t the only examples for business case anchors, but they give a flavor of how to frame the thinking around the blueprint for your structure.
- Design your case systematically to build upward toward your goals. Use tools like Forrester’s one-sentence business case to collect all the critical details executives need to hear in one short, sweet statement: We propose to do A to improve B, with an economic benefit of C, at a cost of D, delivering an ROI of E. Focus on making your estimates reasonable, not right; trying to craft perfect numbers is a hopeless task that will delay your proposal and therefore your project.
Check out the report for over 20 examples of B2C and B2B firms that used the levers above to build their own business cases, then pull out the drafting desk and start sketching out how you’ll use revenue, cost, or risk to establish a solid base for why your company should invest in CX, too.