Uncovering 2020 Digital Experience Priorities: It’s That (Survey) Time Of Year!
This week, we launched our annual panel survey on digital experience (DX) priorities, challenges, and strategies. If you’re a leader, decision maker, or influencer of your enterprise’s DX strategy, we’d love to have your input. Why take the survey? More responses = better data, which we will share with all survey takers and will then fuel our 2019 report on the state of DX.
Looking back on my seven years covering DX, six of those have hinged on our annual survey. Here are some quick highlights:
- Redesigning the experience and improving analytics were the top DX investment priorities in 2018. In 2019, we’re breaking the experience priorities apart from the operational priorities to better understand this yin-and-yang relationship.
- We have broken the assumption that cost and “best of breed” were the core characteristics that influenced the selection of a DX technology (2016, 2017, and 2018 surveys). Ease of integration became the clear front-runner. This year, we’re looking at an entirely new list of characteristics that should hopefully showcase a new angle on software priorities.
- We confirmed in 2018 that most firms are not measuring often enough or using that data as part of their operational improvement efforts. This year, we’re trying to understand what high-level challenges around organization, culture, and strategy are the real barriers behind achieving this metrics-driven approach.
- We found that most companies struggle to mature their personalization due to insufficient data management processes and technologies. This year, we’re looking at how organizations are looking to hire to fix some of these gaps in their capabilities.
Thanks to all those who have supported this research over the years. We owe you a debt we can’t repay, but we’ll continue to pass along the good karma of DX insights driving better strategy.