The Dos and Don’ts of Reprints

The following guidelines apply to reprint promotions. Please submit all promotional materials to for review/approval.


Submit all reprint-related materials to Citations ( for review and include copy, images, branding, and the context.

Do Not

Assume approval of one piece means approval for all. Context matters, and Forrester has specific policies around usage in different mediums.



  • Confirm that reprint rights have been purchased via Forrester’s Reprints Hub and copy your Forrester account manager when submitting your citation request.
  • Take down your reprint landing page upon expiration of your reprint contract.
  • Use the full, unaltered Wave graphic and/or badge in marketing and promotional materials that link to your authorized reprint or landing page.
  • Use applicable badges( only available with a Reprints license).
  • Abide by Forrester’s logo usage guidelines.
  • Reference the report as “complimentary” in your promotional materials.
  • Distribute the reprint in its entirety and original format via the provided link.

Do Not

  • Assign a monetary association to the reprint in your promotional materials. For example, “A $499 Value”.
  • Host a PDF copy of your reprint.
  • Use the Wave graphic or badge without linking to your authorized reprint or landing page.
  • Remove Forrester copyright and/or approved logo from the licensed reprint.
  • Translate your reprint. Any translations of Forrester reprints must go through Forrester’s Reprints department at
  • Sell, attempt to sell, or seek any form of consideration for access to a reprint.



  • Take down your reprint landing page upon expiration of your Reprints license.
  • Use Forrester’s logo and/or an image of the report cover page with the citations.
  • Use applicable badges ( only available with a Reprints license).
  • Ensure the Forrester logo (if using) is no larger than the largest font on the page.
  • Abide by Forrester’s logo usage guidelines.
  • Distribute the reprint via its link in its entirety and original format.
  • Include the full, unaltered Wave graphic on your website with Citations approval. See more on Wave Dos and Don’ts here.

Do Not

  • Assign a monetary association to the reprint in your promotional materials (for example, “a $499 value”).
  • Host a PDF of your reprint.

Social & Blog


  • Promote your reprint in social media and blogs and link to an approved landing page.
  • Reference the report as “complimentary” in your promotional materials.
  • Use the full, unaltered Wave graphic or badge that links to your authorized reprint or landing page.
  • Use applicable badges (only available with a Reprints license).
  • Create your own branded images referencing your reprint in social post on platforms like LinkedIn and X (formerly known as Twitter).
  • Use Forrester’s logo and/or an image of the report cover page with the citations.
  • Ensure that the Forrester logo, if using, is smaller, less prominently displayed, and not horizontally aligned with your company or product logo.
  • Abide by Forrester’s logo usage guidelines.

Do Not

  • Assign a monetary association to the reprint in your promotional materials (for example, “a $499 value”).
  • Use Wave-like branding in your imagery (i.e., no concentric circles or bands).
  • Use the Wave graphic or badges without linking to your authorized reprint or landing page.



  • Promote your reprint via email and link to an approved landing page.
  • Include the full report title at least once.
  • Use the full, unaltered Wave graphic that links to your authorized reprint or landing page.
  • Use Forrester’s logo and/or an image of the report cover page with the citations.
  • Use applicable badges (only available with a reprint license) in email signature banners when accompanied by a research citation and link to the reprint.
  • Ensure the Forrester logo is always smaller, less prominently displayed, and not horizontally aligned with your own company or product logo.
  • Abide by Forrester’s logo usage guidelines.

Do Not

  • Reference “Forrester” or “Wave” in email subject lines.
  • Assign a monetary association to the reprint in your promotional materials. For example, “A $499 Value”.
  • Use the Wave graphic or badges without linking to your authorized reprint or landing page.



  • Promote your reprint in ad campaigns and link to an approved landing page.
  • Include the full report title at least once.
  • Use the full, unaltered Wave graphic or badge that links to your authorized reprint or landing page.
  • Use Forrester’s logo and/or an image of the report cover page with the citations.
  • Use applicable badges (only available with a Reprints license).
  • Ensure the Forrester logo is always smaller, less prominently displayed, and not horizontally aligned with your own company or product logo.
  • Abide by Forrester’s logo usage guidelines.

Do Not

  • Use Wave-like branding in your imagery (i.e., no concentric circles).
  • Use the Wave graphic or badges without linking to your authorized reprint or landing page.
  • Use language or imagery that reflects an award, validation, or endorsement, such as “awarded,” “accolades,” “validation,” “endorses,” or trophy, ribbon, or laurel images.
  • Assign a monetary association to the reprint. For example, “A $499 Value”.

Client Intros


  • Compose your Client Intro as a welcome/introduction of the report.
  • Utilize Client Intros to enhance and personalize your reprint.
  • Submit your Client Intro copy to
  • Include your About Us section in your Client Intro copy that can include your company boilerplate and a list of products and services.
  • Include links to your website for more information services.
  • Include calls to action.

Do Not

  • Include your company or product name in the title or the first section of the Client Intro.
  • Use your Client Intro to overtly promote your product or services or as an advertisement.
  • Include references to competitors that could be construed as a comparison or a rebuke of a competing offering.
  • Include self-evaluation statements (e.g., “We have a first-class solution.”).
  • Include content that can be deemed as negative or comparative to a named product or brand.
  • Include text that gives the appearance that Forrester is endorsing your company or product.
  • Include text that gives the appearance that you have sponsored the research.