Citation Policy FAQ

General Questions

Note: For the complete details, see our full Citation Policy.

Where can we find Forrester’s Citation Policy?

The Citation Policy can be found here.

How do we contact the Citations team?

Contact Forrester’s Citations team by sending an email to, or reach out via phone at +1 617-613-5700.

Do all citations need to be reviewed and approved?

All external uses of Forrester Research are subject to our review and approval. For independent media requests, please reach out to our Press team at and see our Media Citation Policy.

Do clients need to seek approval for internal citations?

Clients do not need to seek approval when using a single figure or paragraph of text from a Forrester report in internal-only material. For larger amounts of citations or for external usage, the Citations team does need to review and approve the usage.

Can anyone cite Forrester?

Citation of Forrester’s Research is a client privilege. Forrester reviews all non-client requests on a case-by-case basis.

Can we post Forrester reports in their entirety on our website?

Full reproductions and/or distributions of Forrester reports are prohibited unless appropriate reprint rights have been purchased. For policies around promoting reprint rights, please see our full Citation Policy, our Reprints Dos and Don’ts guide, or reach out to the Citations team or your account manager.

What do we need to submit for review?

Please provide the Citations team with the full citation and context for your request. Please include a draft copy of any press releases and mock ups of other marketing materials, such as social posts, email campaigns (including subject line), advertisements, etc. See our checklist, which will assist you in gathering the necessary materials for the review process.

Is there a preferred document format in which Citations should be submitted?

All copy (landing page, press release, blog, social media, etc.) should be submitted in an editable format. This includes copy that appears in accompanying graphics, mock ups of which also need to be submitted. If you are submitting a shared document, please ensure access to has been granted or that the link is fully accessible to those receiving it.

How quickly will the Citations team get back to us?

The Citations team will reply to your request by email within two business days.

Policy Fundamentals

Note: For the complete details, see our full Citation Policy.

How should we source Forrester’s research?

Please ensure that every citation includes reference to the title of the research, the date of the research’s publication, and “Forrester.”

Can analysts provide quotes for our material?

No: Forrester analysts cannot provide verbal or direct quotes for client materials. All citations must come directly from the written Forrester research, Forrester-approved data cuts, or Forrester Webinars (note that we do not allow citations to be taken from client-sponsored webinars). All Forrester Research must be cited verbatim.

Can we cite responses from Izola?

No: Responses from Forrester’s generative AI tool, Izola, cannot be cited in your materials. You can cite the published research that Izola displays as part of the answer, in accordance with our Citation Policy and with review and approval.

Can we use the “Forrester” name in email subject lines or press release headers?

No: Email subject lines and/or signatures, press release headers, and/or sub headers may not contain the name “Forrester Research” or “Forrester” — “Independent Research Firm” may be used. Also, Forrester and its research may not be referenced or appear in any client boilerplates, nor can Forrester’s boilerplate be used in client materials (excepting joint marketing). Forrester and its research may not appear in client email signatures.

Can we use the Forrester logo in our marketing material?

Yes: Use of the Forrester logo is allowed in marketing material when citing Forrester’s research, but it must be smaller than any vendor/company logo and less prominently displayed. In other words, it must be clear that the material is from the vendor/company, not Forrester. The Forrester logo cannot be used in company press releases or email signatures. The Forrester logo can be downloaded here

Can we use citations that compare companies?

No: Citations that negatively portray another company and/or its products or compares one company and/or its products with another may not be used. In addition, Forrester’s research may not be cited in any material that negatively portrays another company and/or its products or compares one company and/or its products with another, regardless of the source.

How current must the citations be?

All citations of Forrester research must have been published within the past 18 months, unless updated research is available. For instance, if a report discussing widget adoption rates was published 12 months ago, but a more current report on widget adoption rates was published two months ago, all citations must come from the more recently published report.

Can we cite Forrester’s research in social media?

Yes: Planned social media campaigns are still subject to our Citation Policy and require review and approval.

Forrester Wave™ Policy

Note: For the complete details, see our full Citation Policy and Wave Dos and Don’ts.

How can we cite our Forrester Wave™ status (e.g., a Leader/Strong Performer)?

Please make sure to use the article “a” before referencing your status in the Forrester Wave evaluation: e.g., “A Leader,” “A Strong Performer,” “A Contender.”

How can we reference our category scores?

When discussing category scores, reference can be made to individual scores, but scores cannot be combined. Companies may only claim to be a Leader/Strong Performer/Contender when citing their overall Forrester Wave results. In other words, the only metric that can be referenced when discussing “overall” results is that of “a Leader,” “a Strong Performer,” etc.. Companies may use wording such as “Highest Score” or “Top Ranked” only when citing their Strategy or Current Offering results.

Can we compare our scores with the other vendors in the evaluation?

No. Companies may only compare their scores with the high and low scores of the category. Direct comparisons with other vendors or products are not allowed.

How much content can I cite from a Wave report?

Companies with a Wave Reprints license can cite more than three non-comparative statements based on the report. For example:

  • Client’s topline results — “[Reprints client name] is a [Leader/Strong Performer/Contender] with the highest score in the [current offering/strategy] category.”
  • List of all the criteria where the Reprints client received the highest score or highest scores possible
  • Quoting five verbatim sentences from the Reprints client’s profile
  • Non Forrester clients may state that they were included in the Wave and link to the report on No quotes, content, findings or Forrester branding may be cited, unless a Reprints license has been purchased.

Clients without a Wave Reprints license may cite up to three non-comparative statements based on the report. For example:

  • Client’s topline results — “[Client name] is a [Leader/Strong Performer/Contender] with the highest score in the [current offering/strategy] category.”
  • Up to three specific criteria scores — “[Client name] had the highest score possible in criteria of [X, Y, and Z].”
  • One quoted sentence from the client’s profile

The following objectivity statement must be used when citing any Forrester Wave™ ranking, scores, or quotes:

  • Forrester does not endorse any company, product, brand, or service included in its research publications and does not advise any person to select the products or services of any company or brand based on the ratings included in such publications. Information is based on the best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change. For more information, read about our objectivity here.

Where can I use the Forrester Wave graphic?

Clients with a Wave Reprints license may use the Wave graphic and badge, if applicable, in marketing and promotional materials, including: email marketing campaigns, paid and organic social media, advertisements, videos, presentations and blogs. Clients must link to the licensed reprint or landing page when using the Wave graphic and/or applicable badges.

Is there a disclaimer or objectivity statement that must be used with Wave citations?

Yes, the following objectivity statement must be used when citing any Forrester Wave™ rankings, scores, quotes, Wave graphic, or applicable badges:

  • Forrester does not endorse any company, product, brand, or service included in its research publications and does not advise any person to select the products or services of any company or brand based on the ratings included in such publications. Information is based on the best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change. For more information, read about Forrester’s objectivity here.

Without a Reprints license, any usage of the Wave graphic is prohibited.

Does Forrester’s objectivity statement have to appear in short form content like a social post or ad campaign?

No, but the content must link to materials with the objectivity statement on it, such as a gated landing page

Can the single and double halo on vendors’ markers on the Wave graphic be cited?

Yes. If you received a double halo on the Wave graphic, you may state that you are a Customer Favorite in the evaluation. If you received a single halo, you may state that you received above average customer feedback.

Wave Logistics

When should we submit a draft of our Forrester Wave™ press release and other marketing and promotional materials to Citations for review/approval?

Once you receive and review the full courtesy preview copy of the Wave report, you can submit a draft of your press release, blog, landing page, social posts, email campaigns, etc. to the Citations team at We will do a preliminary review and provide any edits back to you and do a final review for approval once the report has been finalized.

Can we receive final approval for our Wave materials before the report is live?

Yes. We can review and approve materials against the final version of the report before it has been published with the understanding that no materials can be published until the report is live on This usually takes place a day or two prior to publication.

We have purchased reprint rights. When will we receive our reprint link?

Forrester’s Reprints department can provide an inactive link up to one week in advance of the report publishing (or as soon as it goes to courtesy preview). The link will automatically activate once the report is live on

Will we receive a high-res version of the Wave graphic?

Yes. Forrester’s Reprints department will provide a high-res graphic once the report is published.

Will we receive a thumbnail image of the report cover?

Yes, upon request. Please email to request the report thumbnail.

We are a Wave Leader. When will we receive our Wave leader badge?

The leader badge is automatically uploaded to the Reprints Hub along with the Wave graphic and report cover image. The Reprints department will also email the assets to you after the report is live. The same applies for Strong Performer badges.

Will we be notified when the Wave is live on

Yes. Vendors in the Wave will be notified by the project manager they worked with on the Wave within one business day once the report is live.

Once the Wave report is live on, when can we publish our press release and distribute or post our materials?

Right after it is live. There is no embargo.



Commissioned Research

Note: For the complete details, see our full Citation Policy and Commissioned Research Dos and Don’ts.

Do we need to submit citations from our commissioned research for review and approval?

Yes: All citations of commissioned research, including, without limitation, research studies, custom surveys, and/or findings within research customized for the client, are subject to the general Citations Policy found at the link above. Each external citation or quotation of commissioned research must be submitted to and approved by Forrester’s Citations team.

How do citations from commissioned research need to be sourced?

All citations of commissioned research must be attributed to Forrester Consulting, and the citations must include the following attribution, as well as the date and title if applicable: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of (Client Name). 

Can we cite the authors of the commissioned study?

Forrester Consulting is the only author cited for commissioned research. Commissioned research may not be attributed in any way to a Forrester analyst or consultant. All citations must come directly from the commissioned research itself. Forrester analysts, advisors, and consultants cannot provide verbal or direct quotes for client materials. If any analysts or consultants will be appearing in an engagement or video discussing the commissioned research, they cannot be identified as authors of the material.

Can we position the study as joint research?

No. Commissioned research cannot appear to be jointly released or co-branded with the client. Forrester’s status as an independent research firm must be made clear. In addition, commissioned research may not be positioned in any way that implies Forrester is endorsing any vendor or brand.

Analyst Engagements

Note: For the complete details, see our full Citation Policy and Advisory Dos and Don’ts.

Are there guidelines around analyst engagements such as webinars and videos?

Yes: We do have policies around the content and promotion of webinars, videos, and other analyst engagements. If you have not received a copy of our analyst engagement or client video guidelines, please contact for a copy.

Can we promote the engagement as a joint event?

No: It must be clear that Forrester is a guest/featured speaker/presenter and the event is not being co-hosted or co-marketed in any way. Forrester analysts and consultants cannot host or act as the primary interviewer of the engagement. They can be interviewed or moderate roundtable discussions on industry/broad topics.

Can we use Forrester’s logo to promote the event?

Yes: Clients may use Forrester’s logo to promote analyst speaking engagements, provided that the logo is smaller and less prominently displayed than the company hosting the engagement. “Featuring” or “Guest Speaker” must accompany the logo to clearly identify Forrester as a guest participant and not a co-host. The Forrester logo cannot be used in clients’ press releases or email signatures.

Can Forrester discuss our company, products, partners or competitors in the video, webinar, or event?

No: Forrester analysts cannot speak about your company, its products and offerings, partners nor your competitors in an external engagement.

Can the Forrester speaker present on our slide template?

Yes: Forrester analysts and consultants may present on clients’ slide templates, provided Forrester’s copyright notice is included on the slides that Forrester is presenting.

Do videos need to be reviewed and approved?

Yes: Please send all planning materials for the video (scripts, questions for interviews, etc.) along for review and approval. Once you have the finalized video, please send that along for review as well.

Can we cite from the engagement or reference the slides?

No. Research presented and statements made by Forrester analysts/consultants during client webinars, podcasts, videos, or other recorded presentations may not be transcribed, translated, or otherwise cited.

Can we post the webinar/video recording on our website?

Yes, with a replay license: Such recordings may only be replayed in their entirety (audio and video, if applicable, included), and the appropriate replay rights have been purchased.